CSIS 3103 - Data Structures


CSIS 3103 Lecture Notes - Fall 2010
12/06 Intro to Graphs ds10-1.pdf
12/03 Still More Sorting ds08-3.pdf
12/01 More Sorting ds08-2.pdf
11/29  Hash Table Implementation, Sorting ds07-4.pdf
11/24  Hash Tables ds07-3.pdf
11/22  Sets, Maps, Hashing ds07-1.pdf
11/19  Heaps & Priority Queues ds06-5.pdf
10/27 Lab 4  
11/15 Binary Search Trees & Heaps ds06-4.pdf
11/12 Binary Search Trees ds06-3.pdf
11/08 Binary Trees & traversals ds06-2.pdf
11/05 Recursion, concluded, Intro to Trees ds05-3.pdf
11/01 Recursion, continued ds05-2.pdf
10/29 Intro to Recursion ds05-1.pdf
10/27 Lab 4  
10/25 Dequeues and Simulations, Intro to Recursion ds04-2.pdf
10/22 Queues ds04-1.pdf
10/15 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions ds03-2.pdf
10/13 Test 1  
10/11 Intro to Stacks ds03-1.pdf
10/08 Linked List Application ds02-7.pdf
10/06 Iterators ds02-6.pdf
10/04 Linked List Implementations ds02-5.pdf
10/01 More Algorithm Analysis ds02-4.pdf
09/29 Lab 3  
09/27 ArrayList Implementation, Intro to Algorithm Analysis ds02-3.pdf
09/24 Intro to Lists ds02-2.pdf
09/22 Lab 2  
09/20 Intro to Collections ds02-1.pdf
09/17 Java Review, part 3  
09/15 Lab 1  
09/13 Java Review, part 2  ds01-3.pdf
09/10 Java Review, part 1 ds01-2.pdf
09/08 Course introduction ds01-1.pdf

Some of the content in the notes is provided by the textbook publisher

Code from 09/13: Date.java, IncDate.java, DateDriver.java


Textbook source code:

ArrayStack.java, LinkedStack.java, InfixToPostfix.java, PostfixEvaluator.java, PalindromeFinder.java

ArrayQueue.java, KWQueue.java, ListQueue.java


BinaryTree.java, BinarySearchTree.java, SearchTree.java, IndexGenerator.java

KWHashMap.java, HashtableOpen.java, HashSetOpen.java, HashtableChain.java, ContactListInterface.java, MapContactList.java, DemoNavigableSet.java

Classic sorting videos: Sorting Out Sorting - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Using JUnit in Eclipse

Java/Eclipse Help

Eclipse and Java video tutorials  (old)

Eclipse related web sites:

Eclipse Marketplace  (plugins)

The Java Language Specification, by the inventors of Java

Java API Specification (The Java class library)

Sun/Oracle Java Tutorial

Working on your own computer

For your convenience, the Java programming environments are installed in all of the campus computer labs. You may also want to use your own computer. In order to do this, you will need to have two programs installed on your computer.

1) Java SE Development Kit v 6: You may already have this. Search your hard disk for a folder with jdk in its name. There will be a version number after this which must be 1.6.0 or above. For example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18. If you don't have this, you will first need to install the Java JDK by downloading and running the installer program found here: Java Platform Standard Edition

2) Eclipse: A very powerful Java development system and is recommended for this course.


Class Info