Homework 2: Due February 9, 2011
Valid Strings:
a) 123.4E-38
b) 9_9_9_9_9
c) 987.
d) 16#ABC.62#
e) 2#1100#E4
f) 600E8.0
Which of the following are valid
according to the production [10] AttValue?
( See the XML specification at the W3 Consortium here: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml..
You may need to refer to additional productions to answer this question.)
a) "wxyz"
b) 'abc'
c) "R&R"
d) '' (that's
two single-quotes with nothing between them)
e) "abc&de::f;&_x_;"
f) "><"
a) Write an XML DTD for people as described below:
b) Create an example XML document which includes all combinations of elements for the DTD given in part a).
You should view the XML document in a web browser and also validate your XML document. One online validation site is: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_validator.asp
Put the DTD and XML files in a zip file and SUBMIT HERE.